Jessica Howard and Lindsey Ridgeway dance to the haunting lyrics of Tom Waits ; Choreography by Lorraine Chapman
Mass Dance Festival 2011 - Lorraine Chapman The Company
in Dance
Massachusetts Dance Festival
Jessica Howard and Lindsey Ridgeway dance to the haunting lyrics of Tom Waits ; Choreography by Lorraine Chapman
Attention MDF Dancers & Choreographers ! Here is random pick of my personal favorites from the Boston shows last weekend. Do hang in there till we are done with the Amherst show. The complete set of edited and post-processed images will be available for print sales and online digital downloads once I am am done shooting and editing the Amherst show. If you email me at purpleganesh(at)gmail, I can let you know directly once the images are up. Thank you !
Jazz Inc. | Choreographer: Stephanie Heroux
Chaos Theory Dance Company
Choreography |Annie Kloppenberg
Prometheus Dance
Navarasa Dance Theater
Sokolov Now!